Friday, May 10, 2013

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

I'm back!  Yay!  I was finally able to get a new laptop charger for my computer so I can now turn it on for longer than a minute to check my email.  I have a lot of catching up to do.  I'm working on a general post about what we've been up to for the last month but today, I'm linking up with Wife of a Sailor for a little blog link up in honor of Military Spouse Appreciation Day.
I started this blog about a year and a half when my husband was still enrolled in the ROTC.  Even though D had already been a member of the National Guard for almost two years, I still felt lost and confused about the whole military world.  I started this blog to meet other military spouses and to gain support and strength from them.  Because of budget cuts, D was not able to officially contract with the ROTC so he decided to withdraw from it (which ended up being a blessing in disguise, but that's another story.)  He went back to being only a Guard soldier and this blog morphed into more than just a milspouse blog but a blog about our lives.  However, I still have had the opportunity to associate with many military wives through this blog.  I'm so grateful that there is a day that honors military spouses and that allows me to say thank you to all the military spouses who have touched my life in some way.

Taken by Tiffany Rebecca (
I'm Allison.  I have been married to my sweetheart for three years.  My husband, D, has been a member of the National Guard for almost 3 1/2 years.  He's also finishing up his second year of law school.  His dream is to go active duty as a military lawyer upon graduation (he starts the application process this fall.  Yikes!)  Being a Guard family has been great for us for the most part.  We get both the civilian and the military life. 

Along with being a wife, I'm also a soon-to-be mommy to a precious Baby Girl (six weeks baby!).  Much of my time is focused on preparing for her arrival.  I look forward to being able to stay at home with her.

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and that is where much of my heart remains.  We have been living in the Midwest for two years, which is not my favorite place but I am learning to like it more and more.

In my spare time, I love to read.  I could spend hours at a time in a quiet spot just reading.  I also enjoy writing.  My goal is to publish a book someday.  Cooking is another thing I enjoy.  I love trying out new recipes and my husband is a very willing food critic.

D and I love to travel.  We don't have much opportunity right now since D is in school and any extra income we make goes towards student loans.  But in the future, we look forward to going to all the places that we talk and dream about.

Happy Friday!


Sue // As It Seems said...

Happy MSA day! And mother's day, because you're already a mama! xo

Jen said...

I am so happy you are back! Happy MSA day to you my friend! :) Hugs!

Wife of a Sailor said...

Thanks for joining the blog hop!

Jackie said...

Stopping by from the Milspouse Appreciation Day linkup! I'm about to graduate law school and have been dating a sailor throughout the time - it's been a challenge but certainly well worth it! Hope your day was great and best of luck to your husband!