Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for my job.  And I am thankful that I can say that.  I realize that there are not many people that can say they love their job… but I can.  I LOVE my job!  I honestly can say that I look forward to going to work every single day (except the occasional Friday that I don’t want to do anything.)  Although the hours are few so the paycheck is small, I love what I do and don’t want to do anything else.

I am thankful for all of the awesome, cute, fun, stubborn, silly, affectionate, sensitive, sassy three-year olds that are in my class.  I am thankful for all their good qualities.  But I am also thankful that when they are at their worst, I can still love them for their good qualities.  I am thankful for their hugs and their excitement when they see me enter the room.

I am thankful that I am able to be a part of their lives.  I am thankful for the responsibility I have to teach them good things and help them have the tools to grow up to be good people.  I love every single one of them.

I am thankful that although I do not have children of my own, yet, I still can be an influence for good in the lives of the children not only in my class, but all the children who attend the daycare.

Yep, I love my job.  And I’m thankful for it!

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