Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Christmas Break in Pictures

As promised, here is an update of what we did the week of Christmas and New Year's.  It was so fun having my parents here all week and being able to spend time with them.
Here's a little of what we did:

We opened presents

We were tourists in our own city

We celebrated the marriage of a beautiful couple (my cousin and his new wife)
(Waiting for the couple after the ceremony)
We took an overnight trip to visit my uncle
Sorry, I don't have any pictures of my uncle but here's one of D in the hotel

And just hung out.

And because I seemed to forget my camera everywhere we went, all of these pictures were taken by my lovely mother (notice she’s not in any of them.)


Seattle Mom said...

Aw thanks. . . :)

whit | Black Little Button blog said...

Hi Just came across your blog! I love it. Consider me a new follower. I'd love for you to come check out mine and hopefully do the same.